Thursday, March 11, 2010

Do You Know What It Feels Like

Do You Know What It Feels Like

do u know what it feels like..........

You are as sweet as cake in this life

and this world is as harsh as Knife

do u know what it feels like.......

Your best friend biggest dream is torn...........

and you are the only one ,who has to Inform........

do you know what it feels like........

You don’t get your destination even after walking Miles

You come Home and give Your Mummy, Papa, Sis a fake Smile

do you know what it feels like........

You try to ignore someone to get her\his Attention

Forget Love, Your Friendship goes negative Direction

do u know what it feels like.......

Your heart is slowly Sinking somewhere else

but your friends are Linking you somewhere else

do u know what it feels like.......

Someone Very Special understands you finally after Hundred Tries.........

and suddenly You realized, its time to say final Good Byee.....

do you know what it feels like…

1 comment:

  1. Someone Very Special understands you finally after Hundred Tries.........
    And Honestly it is worthwhile :)...

    Just if you want to end it at a good note :)

    Nice one sadden my heart
